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Wilton Souza is one of the most goatish skaters in Brasa, very fine people, total humility, turns 28 tomorrow and nothing better than celebrating it with his entry into Tupode. He has made a lot of history out there and had several participations in videos and international events. One of the last fuck videos was part of his release on Thrasher "Your world doesn't stop" a part that you watch over and over and that generates a hell of a desire to walk. We met Wilton in person on a trip to Maringa at the Retta Skate Shop store where he has a Patronus and the tuning was great, we filmed his bomb there and from there we started to exchange ideas and then it happened. We are very grateful that he is with us, you can be sure that there will be a lot of good things coming from him soon.
We are especially grateful to Anthony Claraval master, the idol and who made several videos, including filmed several 411vm. Having all of Wilton's intro photo material made by him is a great satisfaction, Thank you Toninho


What year did you start skating and where did you ride the most when you started?

I started skating  in Umuarama Pr. Here near Maringá I started  at the end of the year 2008. I walked in a place that was close to my house in Pneumar, where it had a smooth floor, and I went there every day after work.

What are her inspirations since when she started to walk and who does she look up to these days?

I always watched a lot of skateboarding videos and the guys I liked to watch were Willian Nascimento, Trout, Tiago Lemos, Rafa Gomes, Pedro Biagio, Dylan Rieder Vinicius dos Santos, nowadays I try to be inspired by people close to me. Roberto Moreira Marcio Sapinho are also friends who inspire me a lot these days

What places have you been to that you feel like walking and never been to? A remarkable journey with Skate? And say there 3 places that you dream of one day walking and getting to know?

Copenhagen was a very crazy place, which I met and I want to go back. A trip we took to RJ to film for Ty'Evans' We Are Blood was one of the most memorable.

What projects are you currently participating in and when should these projects come out?

At the moment I'm doing a part with Anthony Clatavall which has always been a dream to film with him via the 411vm always, it was a big inspiration to have the opportunity to laugh and share several sessions with him, it's a big privilege. Thank you Toninho for the opportunity.

About the TUPODE brand, what did you notice that was different and what most caught your attention to want to be part of it, and what do you hope to accomplish with us?

Tupode is a skateboarding brand where everyone skates and understands how to skate, this already makes me more willing to be part of the team, not to mention that we created a natural harmony before being from Tupode I met the guys in a session in Maringá e I already knew the clothes, I wore some and after bumping into each other I identified even more with the crowd, because it was fun to share a session with the tupode bench. I intend to be with the guys filming, adding and doing the projects whenever possible. I just thank you for the opportunity.


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